Bee and Puppycat nears funding completion!

With little over one week to go, Bee and Puppycat has nearly met its $600,000 funding goal on Kickstarter! Hoorrayyy!

Bee in rain I have been anxiously waiting for this charming little Ghibli-style cartoon to become a full series on Cartoon Hangover, so when I heard about their Kickstarter project a couple weeks ago, I knew I would be kicking myself if I didn’t contribute something to their goal. I LOVE Bee and Puppycat for its awkward humor and it has been one of the few cartoons lately that legitimately cracks me up. For some reason I found myself relating to Bee and her strange personality…if only my cat was a next-level space badass, I would swear that this cartoon was written for me. It would also be nice to see a high-quality cartoon that not only has a female main character, but a quirky one at that.

Please consider donating to the Bee and Puppycat Kickstarter so that this awesome cartoon can be made into a full series of peculiar wonderment! Even if you can only give a dollar, it all adds up.

So you haven’t watched the pilot episode of Bee and Puppycat yet on Cartoon Hangover? Shame on you. But have no fear, you can watch it here!

Bee my guts